Rechargeabe Hearing Aids
Discover modern hearing aids that make sound distinct and clearer with high tech features.

High-Tech Hearing Aids
Rechargeable hearing aids have built-in power units that do not need new batteries, in contrast to conventional hearing aids that use disposable batteries. Your hearing aids will be recharged and ready to use the next morning if you simply place them in their rechargeable storage box, much like you would with your smartphone.
Benefits of Rechargeable Hearing Aids
Eco Friendly
Without disposable batteries you are helping the planet. Zinc rechargeable batteries last up to 2 years and vary according to the hearing aid manufacturer.
For fingers and hands that may not work as well as they used to, rechargeable hearing aids are easy to handle. Some manufacturers even have clean and dry charging cases.
Easy to Handle
Long gone are the days of big chunky hearing aids! The new rechargeable hearing aids are slim and sleek and easily fit behind the ear. There are even rechargeable in the ear hearing aids.
Small & Discreet

On just a short charge, rechargeable hearing aids can keep you going all day. Duration of the batteries depend on the manufacturer, but Starkey last for 2 days now.

The hearing aids I purchased are amazing! They make sound more distinct and clearer, especially in noisy environments.
Sara J.
I am so impressed with the high tech features of my new hearing aids. They truly enhance speech understanding in all environments.
Mike S.
Hearing Clinic in Chester & Wirral
Top-notch hearing care services to our local communities in Cheshire and Wirral
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